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A Decade of

Switching to a circular economy in the Southern Mediterranean by changing the way goods and services are produced 

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Scroll down to explore the SwitchMed journey over the past decade, from its beginning to the present.

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How SwitchMed Started

SwitchMed was launched to support and connect stakeholders to scale-up sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in eight countries of the southern Mediterranean region.  

Map of North African countries bordering the Mediterranean. SwitchMed action area.

To achieve this goal,
SwitchMed created 4 components

  • Industry by UNIDO
  • Green Entrepreneurship by MedWaves
  • Policy by UNEP / MedWaves
  • Networking Facility by MedWaves
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Supporting the SMEs of the Southern Mediterranean region to become more efficient and eco-innovative

Boosting Resource Efficiency in Southern Mediterranean Industries. 

Adopting Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) is the first step toward a circular economy. The UNIDO TEST methodology tackles rising energy and raw material costs by integrating RECP best practices with a strong return on investment into industry operations in the Southern.

To drive this transformation, UNIDO trained 44 local service providers, who gained hands-on experience through 125 industry demonstration pilots on the TEST methodology. This initiative helps industries use fewer resources, reduce pollution, and boost competitiveness.

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Creation of Innovative
Methodologies for
Sustainable Business

01.Green Business Model tool
02.Green Business Plan development tool
03.Access to Finance tool
04.Crowdfunding Guide
Black and white photo of a Switchmed Talk
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The Regional Action Plan on SCP is the first intergovernmental agreement in the Mediterranean basin to promote a sustainable, circular economy, encouraging environmentally friendly consumption and production in the region.

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The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provided technical support in developing SCP National Action Plans (SCP-NAPs) and demonstration projects in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Palestine.

Test Toolkit.

Developed by UNIDO, offers a set of tools designed to help businesses gain a competitive advantage by implementing resource efficiency strategies and solutions. 

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Supporting the SMEs of the Southern Mediterranean region to become more efficient and eco-innovative

Offwhite paper texture Cutout of an entrepeneur, member of The Switchers
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of an entrepeneur, member of The Switchers
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of an entrepeneur, member of The Switchers

Launch of
The Switchers

The Switchers Community is where green and circular entrepreneurs, businesses, mentors, and policymakers unite to drive innovation in sustainability.

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Supporting the SMEs of the Southern Mediterranean region to become more efficient and eco-innovative

The Beginning of the SwitchMed Connect

In 2015, leading start-ups and entrepreneurs, industry agents, policy makers and financial institutions came together to build synergies and accelerate the growth of eco and social innovations, driving forward circular economies across the Mediterranean Region. 

Offwhite paper texture Cutout of Switchmed Connect's frist edition conference Light bulb white stroke doodle

Barcelona Convention Adopts SCP Regional Action Plan, Leading to development of SCP indicators across 6 Key Areas:

  • 01. Land Use
  • 02. Water (efficiency)
  • 03. Energy (efficiency)
  • 04. Pollution
  • 05. Resource (efficiency)
  • 06. Behavior (producers and consumers)
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Offwhite paper texture Cutout of four workers in a solar panel field
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of a factory emitting toxic gases
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of three wind turbines
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of a girl from the sustainable food industry

UNEP provides advisory services and technical support to the project countries in the development of their SCP-NAPs; and supports demonstration projects in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Palestine.

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UNEP collaborates with project countries to advance SCP-NAPs, offering advisory services and technical support. Download them here: 

Strategic roadmaps for sustainable RECP

Building on the success of the UNIDO MED TEST II component, UNIDO creates a roadmap to expand RECP in the Southern Mediterranean industrial sector.

The roadmap outlines a vision for sustainable industrial growth aimed at reducing resource consumption and pollution.

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Impact measurement and reporting

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Grants and innovative vouchers

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Green start-ups meet investors

White stroke connection between members doodle

Business and networking opportunities

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Financial and crowdfunding tools

Launch of The Switchers Fund

Initiative dedicated to providing direct funding and business support services to green, circular, and social entrepreneurs. Through a combination of private and public funding, technical assistance, and grants, eco and social innovators are supported in making a tangible impact.

Roadmap for Scaling Up

An extensive assessment was conducted to analyze the barriers and drivers of the Circular and Green Economy. It captures the views of green entrepreneurs, CSOs, BSOs, and key stakeholders on promoting green entrepreneurship and grassroots ecological and social innovation.

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2nd Edition of SwitchMed Connect

The SwitchMed Connect 2016 showcased expert discussions, entrepreneurial stories and best practices focused on green and circular economy planning and implementation.

3rd Edition of SwitchMed Connect

SwitchMed Connect 2018 concluded Phase I with participation from over 400 attendees.



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A Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) adopted by Mediterranean countries and a set of 25 SCP indicators aligned with the SDGs selected to monitor its implementation.


SCP national action plans (SCP-NAPs) developed.


Demonstration pilot projects implemented by the end of 2018.


Over 1500 national stakeholders from government, private sector, civil society, industry, academia and media trained.

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Industry demonstration projects on resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP).


Service providers qualified with hands on experience on resource efficient and cleaner production methodologies.


Identified RECP measures which annually save:

707 GWh of energy / 3,512,660 m2 of water / 33,623 t. of raw materials / 197,525 t. emissions of CO2 eq. / 41.7 million Euro in production costs for the 125 participating companies


National roadmaps on resource efficiency developed.

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Green Entrepeneurship

Innovative methodologies for sustainable business model developement created and transferred to local actors.


Circular start-ups incubated.


Green entrepeneurs supported to develop and test their Green Business Models.


Switchmed contributed to the creation of +250 new sustainable companies.

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Networking Facility

SwitchMed Connect organised.
It is the main gathering of SwitchMed bringing together leading start-ups and entrepeneurs, industry agents, initiatives, change agents, policy and financial institutions working on applications of productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean.


Participants from 16 different countries attended SwitchMed Connect.


Followers on social media channels of the SwitchMed programme.


CSOs and entrepeneurs from the Mediterranean members of the Switchers Community.


Next Chapter Begins

SwitchMed II builds on the success of SwitchMed I, leveraging the experience and capacity gained during the first phase. 

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Enabling Environment

Resource-efficient and circular economy practices are promoted at regional and national levels.

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Cohesive Approach

Effective coordination, networking and communication foster a unified regional strategy.

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The Launch of SwitchMed Blue Economy

A new component of the SwitchMed initiative that aims to promote sustainable development in Blue Economy sectors.

Cutout of a fisherman in a traditional fishing boat with a white stroke fishes doodle

It focuses on four key areas

  • 1. Enabling Policy Frameworks

    Developing supportive policies at both national and regional levels

  • 2. Sustainable Entrepreneurship

    Encouraging enviromentally friendly business practices within Blue Economy sectors.

  • 3. Value Chain Sustainability

    Improving the sustainability of seafood, fish, and aquaculture industries.

  • 4. Stakeholder Networking

    Facilitating connections and collaboration among key stakeholders in the Blue Economy.

Creation of The Switchers Toolbox

An online platform offering free access to all circular business development methodologies and tools for sustainable business growth. 

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Green entrepreneur / Sustainable Business

Business Support Organization

Trainer / Mentor

Financial Actor

Registered entrepreneurs and companies
Trainers and mentors
Business Support Organizations

Development of Sub-regional baseline Assesment Reports

Group into four sub-regions in Mediterranean countries, these reports provide an overview of the political, economic, and sociocultural context, along with an analysis of strengths and opportunities for green and circular businesses.

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Advancing resource efficiency and circular value chains for Mediterranean industries 

Building on the experience from the preceding MED TEST II project, UNIDO continued its efforts under the MED TEST III project to promote more resource-efficient and circular business models.

UNIDO undertook 74 pilot projects to demonstrate the benefits of these practices across nine different sectors in the SwitchMed region. These efforts highlighted the importance of production models that keep resources in the loop longer, reducing the environmental footprint of industries and helping local businesses adapt to global market conditions and environmental challenges.

Fourth Edition of SwitchMed Connect

SwitchMed Connect 2021 was the first edition of the second phase of SwitchMed, introducing the new activities and partners of the programme. 

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Advancing resource-efficient production in the food, plastic, pharmaceutical, paper, and chemical sectors.


Local providers trained in the TEST methodology

UNIDO trained 25 local service providers in the TEST methodology and partnered with 18 universities to include this approach in their programs. These providers gained hands-on experience through 37 company demonstrations, identifying resource-efficiency investments worth €16.1 million, which could help the companies save €8.4 million in annual production costs, benefiting 5,224 employees.

Environmental benefits include annual savings of 149,797 m³ of water (299.6 million 500-milliliter bottles), 42,578 MWh of energy (powering 4,017 households), and 2,683 tons of materials (equivalent to 12 Statues of Liberty), along with a CO2 reduction of 20,844 tons (removing 4,532 cars from the road).

Take a look at the case studies from the MED TEST III project:

Approach on the Plastic Value Chain on Israel

Global plastic waste production has doubled in the past 20 years, exacerbated by poor recycling systems and single-use plastics. Israel, a top consumer of single-use plastics, faces a significant plastic waste issue. Integrating circular economy principles across the plastic value chain is essential to promoting reuse, improving waste management, and enhancing recycling capacities for sustainable raw materials.

Case Studies

The recycling rate of flexible plastic packaging, Israel

Design for circularity of food-contact plastic packaging, Israel

Circular business model for greenhouse agricultural plastic waste, Israel

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Valorizing Textile Waste in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia

The textile and garment sector in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia generates 330,000 tons of pre-consumer and post-industrial textile waste annually.
UNIDO trained textile producers to better sort and categorize waste, an important initial step. In collaboration with international brands like DIESEL, Nudie Jeans, and PVH Group (Calvin Klein), UNIDO showcased a Closed Loop Textile-to-Textile business model, transforming deadstock denim and cutting scraps into 220,000 new jeans with 20% recycled content.

 UNIDO demonstrated business models that convert non-reusable textile waste into fibers for insulation boards. A pilot project, developed with international fashion experts, local companies, and students from Casa Moda Academy in Casablanca, created a capsule collection using circular design techniques. This collection was showcased at the White Trade Show during Milan Fashion Week 2024. 

Case Studies


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Valorizing pre-consumer and post-industrial textile waste in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia 

The textile and garment finishing sector uses over 8,000 chemicals, many of which are hazardous to humans and the environment. To address this, UNIDO, in collaboration with the ZDHC Foundation and five leading brands, developed a project to restrict hazardous chemicals and improve chemical management in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. 

UNIDO trained 50 companies and conducted 21 industrial pilots on better chemical management practices, showcasing how to replace hazardous chemicals with sustainable alternatives from the ZDHC database. As a result, 19 participating companies achieved ZDHC foundational accreditation, enhancing their market position for sustainably produced garments. 

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" We can only invite and encourage our colleagues and suppliers to adhere to this roadmap

A. Louhaid, Production Manager at EVLOX, Morocco

Demonstrating the potential for resource-efficient production practices in Morocco's fish processing value chain. 

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Offwhite paper texture Cutout of sustainable textile products from The Switchers Products
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of sustainable textile products from The Switchers Products
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of sustainable textile products from The Switchers Products

Launch of The Switchers Products

The Switchers Products platform highlights products and services from green entrepreneurs throughout the Mediterranean region. By promoting sustainable consumption, it provides visibility and market access to Mediterranean entrepreneurs and start-ups focused on sustainability, applying circular and eco-friendly production models.

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Offwhite paper texture Cutout of an entrepeneur, member of The Switchers
Offwhite paper texture Cutout of an entrepeneur, member of The Switchers

The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation

Connecting Seekers and Providers of Green Business Solutions 

This new platform matches companies and public institutions seeking green and circular business solutions with start-ups and entrepreneurs offering them, using an open innovation approach. 

This participatory process begins with challenges set by public and private sector enablers in the Mediterranean area, aiming to innovate in green entrepreneurship and the circular economy.  

Advancing Green and Circular Economies at COP22

The 12 regional measures designed to support the development of green and circular businesses and strengthen the demand for sustainable products were successfully adopted at COP22. This achievement paved the way for formulating supportive national policies for these businesses.

SCP indicators are now available as interactive maps on MapX, an open-source tool within UNEP's World Environment Situation Room (WESR ) digital platform for online data sharing.

The Switchers Support National Partnerships


BSOs gathered from public, private, and non-profit organizations with the development of The Switchers Support National Partnerships in 8 countries, to support sustainable business development.

Switchers Meet Investors


Elevator Pitch events were organized for Switchers to meet investors 

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WeMed Awards

The Mediterranean Sustainability Award aims to promote an inclusive transition to sustainability in the Mediterranean.

WeMed Awards First Edition

Sustainable businesses and public authorities supporting them.

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WeMed Awards Second Edition

Sustainable businesses in the Textile & Clothing sector.

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WeMed Awards Third Edition

Green Start-ups and BSOs aligned with Green Business Support and Circular economy.

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WeMed Awards Fourth Edition

Sustainable bussineses in the Blue Economy sector.

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Blue Economy Breakthroughs

SwitchMed, in collaboration with the Blue Growth Community and BLUEfasma projects, hosted a hybrid international forum in Barcelona. The event, "Fostering Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean," gathered around 120 participants from across the Mediterranean to discuss and promote circular blue economy practices.

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Black and white top view photo of a forest

Euro MedWeeks of Waste Reduction

Tis awareness campaign focuses on waste prevention in the Mediterranean region, drawing inspiration from the successfull European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR).

First Edition of the EMWWR

Circular and sustainable Textiles.

Offwhite paper texture Circular and sustainable textiles with a white stroke First Price doodle over it

Second Edition of the EMWWR


Offwhite paper texture Sustainable packaging poster with a white stroke First Price doodle over it

The Switchers Policy Hub:

Empowering Policymakers for Green and Circular Transition

The Switchers Policy Hub was created to empower policymakers driving the green and circular transition in the Mediterranean.

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Black and white top view photo of a forest

#EyesOn Regional Competition

To celebrate the World Environment Day, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the EU Neighbours South regional communication programme, and the SwitchMed initiative teamed up for the launch of the regional competition. 

First Edition: #EyesOnGreen 

Innovative projects from green entrepreneurs.

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Second Edition: #EyesOnBlue

Innovative projects of the water sector.

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Third Edition: #EyesOnEarth

Innovative projects in forest conservation.

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SwitchMed Connect 2022

The 2022 edition of SwitchMed Connect took place in Italy as part of Ecomondo. This in-person event attracted over 167 participants and marked a significant milestone as the first face-to-face gathering since the start of Phase II of the program.

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How are countries transitioning to a Circular Economy?

SwitchMed countries are actively implementing activities, policies, and programs on SCP and Circular Economy. These efforts are coordinated by UNEP since 2015, supporting, inspiring, and directly implementing CE/SCP initiatives at the national level.

SwitchMed Connect Podcast Series

Explore the journey of sustaining circular economies in the Mediterranean with the SwitchMed Connect podcast series. Meet and connect with regional experts who share real, tangible steps and inspiring stories, turning the vision of a circular economy into reality.


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National Dialogues for a Blue Economy

To mainstream the Blue Economy at the national level, highlighting the findings of the national Blue Economy assessment and endorsing policy recommendations.

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Lebanon Blue Economy Dialogue 2004

The conference featured high-level political and technical engagements, serving as a stepping stone towards a more circular, environmentally resilient, and prosperous Blue Economy in Lebanon.

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Green Entrepeneurs' Success Stories

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Factsheets summarizing SwitchMed Phase II


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A decade of supporting eco-innovative entrepreneurs for a better Mediterranean.


Contributing to Impact Investing in the Mediterranean.

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Green Entrepreneurship / Training



Trainees in Blue Economy


Women Trainees

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Green Entrepeneurship / Incubation

Circular Startups incubated


Circular Startups incubated in Blue Economy

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Industry pilots in 9 sectors.


Value chain actors engaged.


tons of CO2 that can be reduced by identified measures.

€236 M

For investments in resource-efficient and circular business models.

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Mediterranean countries approved the Set of 12 Regional Measures.


SCP indicators updated.


WeMed Awards Applications.

€157 K

Raised from WeMed directly for technical assistance of winning projects.


Pilot projects.

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Networking Facility / Eco-Innovation Challenges

Members of The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation Communit.


Open Eco-Innovation Challenges posted.


Challenges solved.


Euros raised to solve Challenges.

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Networking Facility / General

Entrepreneurs, SMEs and Sustainable Products hosted by The Switchers Community.


SwitchMed Connect organized.

+10,4 k

Followers on social media channels.

+60 k

Users of the SwitchMed websites.

Thank you for joining us on this journey

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Switchmed Connect Podcast Series

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Green Entrepeneurs' success stories

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Led by

In partnership with

Co-financed by